Do you want your school or district (or any organization) to be a highly functioning collegial learning organization?
According to authors Rosie and Robert Vojted, , authors of Motivate! Inspire! Lead! from Corwin press, you need to meet these ten criteria, with these implications if they are not met.
- quality of life: If you are not providing the necessities for people to be able to live (salary, benefits, etc.) your organization will have low morale.
- a mission: If you do not have a compelling sense of purpose, your organization will be marked by indifference.
- adequate communications: If you to not share common vocabulary, build rapport, and exchange meaning, you will foster distrust.
- accountability: If people do not feel ownership for their results and achieving their goals, you'll be hearing a lot of blame.
- empowerment: If people do not have the responsibility and authority to hit their goals, they will be constrained.
- autonomy: If people don't have freedom within will defined boundaries, you will either have dependence or chaos.
- competencies or capacity: If people don't have the skills to do what they need to, and the group doesn't have the collective skills, you will feel that the individuals and/or organization is inept.
- relationships: If there aren't connections between people, individuals will feel isolate, lonely, and disconnected.
- interdependence: If everyone's results and work aren't mutually to each other's, then you will not get cooperation and mutual support.
- results: If you haven't defined success and aren't measuring progress, you will find ambivalence and conflicting methodologies.
One way to move toward these is to learn the techniques of Mindshifting. Check out the next course starting October 22.