The purpose of education should be to give all children a leg up, to help them prepare to be adults who can contribute to their families and communities and to live fulfilling lives. I hope that the new Department of Education keeps this mission forefront, that it fully understands that the only purpose of tests and assessments is to further those goals, and that test scores are not goals in and of themselves.
While we've known for a long time that opportunities, and educational opportunity and access, are unevenly divided, this become especially apparent during this last year. Let's work toward giving each child access to a quality education and the resources to take advantage of education opportunities.
Administrators cannot administer, educators cannot educate, and children cannot learn when they are consumed by fear and anxiety. We all need times to reflect, plan, relax, and interconnect. Let's work toward making our education institutions welcoming to the whole person, not factories that use teachers as machines attempting to cram knowledge into the brains of recalcitrant students.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the new US Department of Education leadership can focus on developing children into well adapted adults, providing ample opportunities and resources to all students, and tapping into the humanity of all education stakeholders in 2021?